
This Is Epic

A curation of our design ideas and inspirations for houses in Goa, contemporary art and architecture.





Posts in Environment
The design process at the Crescent House in Nandi Hills

Our upcoming project, The Crescent House resides in the Nandi Hills of Bangalore. It has a small site with immediate neighbors and beautiful views in every direction. It was a design challenge to incorporate all the 180° pan views of Nandi Hills from the villa. We tackled this with an innovative experiment.


The four of us designers of Build Grounded split up on-site and individually came up with four design solutions. After brainstorming on-site for around an hour, we had a discussion. Considering different approaches, we came up with a strategy then and there. A way through it was the amalgamation of all four directions, which later on developed into the actual design of the house.

As the name suggests Crescent House, the main facade of the house is in a crescent shape. The facade has different openings showing different views in different sizes all across the stretch of the Nandi Hills. Soon to be complete Crescent House is under construction but you can still make out the facade taking shape enjoying the views all around.

State of India's Environment in Figures: An Insightful Book Release

On 31st June 2024, we had the opportunity to attend the release of the book State of India’s Environment in Figures by Down to Earth, presented by Sunita Narain. This event marked the annual release of their detailed state-wise analysis of various environmental issues.

The book's highlight is its numeric representation of facts and figures concerning climate change and related issues in India. The event involved the book's flow and a glimpse of its contents.

The book covers a wide range of topics, including:

Stories from Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to groundwater management, forest fires, plastic pollution, State of waste, transport, Greenhouse gases, Agriculture, Employment, farmers' protests, environmental crimes, and much more.



  • 2023 Marked the second hottest year on record with warm winters up to 1.71°C as the minimum temperature, the first time in the last 122 years. Extreme weather events were marked on 318 out of 365 days in 2023.

  • 7 out of 9 analyzed cities showed 90% of their geographical areas under extreme heat and humidity making it worse as high humidity slows down the human body’s natural cooling process.

  • Forestland diversion increased by 3.5% with half of it occurring in just five states. Elephant deaths surged by 63% due to electrocutions and the leopard population grew but over half resides outside the reserves.

  • The most notable aspect of the book was the environmental crimes. Even though there is a decrease in registration of crimes by 18% in 2021-22. The Courts are disposing of cases at a rate significantly lower than new cases recorded, leading to cases piling up. This pile-up of new and old at the end of 2022 was a total of 1,39,246 cases.

Going through such an in-depth climate analysis was truly eye-opening. The timing of this release, just before the results of new elections in India, makes it even more relevant. We believe that sharing this information with you is crucial because awareness is the key to addressing these issues. So join us as we continue to share such updates on climate change in our broadcast channel on social media: Climate Woes

Our Birding Adventure at Socorro Plateau

Last December, our team at Grounded embarked on an exciting bird-watching walk at the Socorro Plateau in Goa. A local eco-organization organized this beautiful trail, Khoj-aao, providing us with a perfect retreat into the wild, which is literally in my backyard in Goa.


We gathered at the meeting spot around 4 PM, ready for an evening walk. Goa is renowned for its birdlife and home to the Salim Ali Bird Sanctuary, had us hopeful for what the plateau had in store for us.  We were told that the plateau is home to around 400 species of birds and many trees in Goa. These are some of the joys of living in Goa.

As we walked, the plateau revealed its wonders. We saw a variety of birds, insects, and plants that made the experience truly special. The setting sun cast a golden glow over the landscape, adding to the beauty of the evening.

Here are some of the highlights from our walk:

  • Birds: Green bee-eaters, Blue-tailed bee-eater, Red-vented bulbuls, Red-whiskered bulbuls, Indian Robin, Indian Golden Orioles, Black drongo, Rock pigeons, Brahminy kite, Malabar Barbets, Asian Koel, Barn swallows, Spotted doves, Indian Peafowl, Pied Bushchat, Brahminy Starlings, Plum-headed Parakeets, Greater Coucal

  • Biodiversity: Indian Giant Millipede, Crematogaster ant colonies, Indian Golden Hare (scat), Crab's eye, Ironwood plant (Anjan in Hindi), Button pipeworts, Saptaparni tree (blackboard tree), Ghela (fish poison plant), many types of grasses.


Our bird-watching walk at Socorro Plateau was more than just an evening out. It was a chance to connect with nature, learn about the local wildlife, and bond as a team. The memories we made and the beauty we witnessed will stay with us for a long time.

If you're ever in Goa and looking for a peaceful retreat, we highly recommend taking a bird-watching walk at the Socorro Plateau. It's an experience you will remember!

Material palette: Indigo and Terracotta

The upcoming project of sister villas, The Terracotta House and the Indigo House are taking shape on-site. Set in the Pomburpa Village in Goa, the houses are designed to connect with the land with an ecological design, enjoyed barefoot with the calm interactions of nature. To experience the outcome's look and feel, here’s our material palette.

The selection and finalization of materials is an important and lengthy design process. Colors and textures define the space. The feel and the vibe we experience are a product of it. Terracotta house is earthy and serene with warm tones, harmonizing the interiors and exterior. Indigo House is calm with quiet views of water, and tones of blue merging with the view.

Our Journey with Rammed Earth

In celebration of World Earth Day 2024, we wanted to share our journey of building a small house in Goa using rammed earth construction. We've divided our experience into three parts:

PART 1: the project's inception,

PART 2: the challenges we encountered, and finally,

PART 3: the successful execution of our first rammed earth wall on-site.

Our story begins with the start of the project and a hands-on workshop on Rammed Earth led by Gia Mantra Village. Sanjeev Wahi the COO of Grounded attended this workshop.

Following this, we delved into research and development specific to our site living in Goa, conducting tests, and facing various challenges along the way.

Through our dedication and with assistance from Thumb Impressions, we overcame these obstacles and successfully completed the first wall of the house.

From researching and trying out different mixes to solving real-life challenges with the walls, we've come a long way. Building rammed earth walls depends a lot on the specific site and many factors need to be taken into account. We've successfully built these walls at our site and want to share our experience to help others interested in rammed earth construction find all the information they need in one place. You can find more about our journey on our Instagram. If you have any questions, feel free to send us a direct message.

Rewilding, Ecology Conservation & Habitat Restoration - The story of Kishan Bagh Jaipur

Sakshi R Ghodake

“When we reconnect with nature, we will be able to restore ourselves.”
― Lailah Gifty Akita

Kishan Bagh, Jaipur

Jaipur has been touched upon by Architect Pradip Kishan and his team to ornament the existing gift of nature which Kishan Bagh holds. He had a great vision of how the park should be designed well enough to convey the importance of restoring and conserving our ecosystem. Having worked on Rao Jodha Rock Park in Jodhpur, Pradip Kishan took on the mammoth task of restoring Kishan Bagh dunes into a natural desert landscape.

Kishan Bagh

Scenic view from the park.

The design proposes restoring the vegetation of sand dunes, designing a place for people to understand the ecology and bringing the endangered plant community of the Thar to be conserved.

Heteropogon Spa (grass)




Kumatha acacia sengal

Phragmites Australis

The design is influenced by the explorations of the desert landscape of western Rajasthan, called Roee by the locals, also seen in the jungles of Thar with different plant communities which have evolved in that particular changing climatic condition. Hence, native flora like Saccharum, Rohida, Kumatha acacia sengal, Akada, Dhatura, and Phragmites Australis have been planted according to the different soil textures where each contributes to the ecosystem in the desert.

Distinct color layers of sandstone due to the presence of different minerals.

Migmatites – double-cooked stones, consisting of two or more constituents often layered repetitively

According to Pradip Kishan parks have always been remembered in colonial style, while they should ideally be reminisced based on the native nature of the plants and surrounding. Parks have now become sanitized spaces and the trees which are featured are grown for their colourful blossoms which will eventually last for a certain period that add an aesthetic charm in landscape and does not talk about the habitat. This clearly says that the idea of beauty should change.

Sand dune desert park

The Grounded team had visited Rao Jodha Park in Jodhpur which is also an ecology restoration project led by Pradip Krishan. Read about it here. From this we have understood that experience stands out based on the interpretation which is based on telling the story of a landscape and the wildlife that it supports. Here at Grounded, we are making an effort to sensitize the urban and rural populations to the wild through our designs.

Watch more about Kishan Bagh, here.

The Trees of Goa's Roads and Homes

Goa is a goldmine of biodiversity and trees are the crucial negotiators that tie these ecosystems together. As awareness increases about habitat loss and deforestation, people have taken the responsibility of hosting planting and re-wilding drives. The first step in this process is to identify and select plant species which are most effective and resource efficient for natural landscaping.

Here are popular, easy to source, and easy to plant species that are commonly found along Goa’s roads and within Goan homes.


These trees are typically used for roadside planting owing to their large and extensive canopies that offer shade throughout the year. One often finds seasonal flowering trees chosen as avenue trees. However, fruiting varieties are typically avoided and are found mostly in private properties.


01 The Indian Laburnum


Cassia Fistula or The Indian Laburnum or Amaltas as it is locally called is a medium-sized deciduous tree. It is a sun loving tree that is known for its abundant and glorious yellow summer flowers. The tree is extensively found in Goa, especially along the roads of Panjim.

02 The Scholar’s Tree

The Scholar’s Tree or Satvin as it is locally called is a tall, evergreen tree with branches in whorls. The tree blooms in the winter with white, fragrant flowers that are found in clusters. The tree is found all over Goa and is also otherwise known as The Devil’s Tree.


Goa’s incredible biodiversity is best experienced at home. Homeowners can choose to plant any native flowering or fruiting tree without worrying about extensive care or maintenance. Many of these trees are also found in Goa’s public gardens and are known to attract a wide variety of birds and butterflies. These trees also support a lot of insects and creepy crawlies. This post tells you how you can design to coexist with and celebrate Goa’s diverse flora and fauna.


03. The Frangipani Tree


Plumeria Rubra or Plumeria Obtusa or Frangipani or Champa as it is lovingly called is a tropical tree and is a residential favourite in Goa. The Champa shrub has a lovely sculptural form and requires little maintenance. The plant does not require too much water and can thrive in any well-drained soil. The flowers are fragrant, bloom throughout the year, and come in different colours.

04. The Traveller’s Palm

The Traveller’s Palm is a picturesque spreading tree that looks beautiful when used along compound walls and the site edges. The fan profile layers over and blurs the hard site edge while also creating privacy. The palm is water loving and retentive, making it a valuable landscape feature during Goa’s heavy monsoons.

Also read about the native trees of Goa here.

Find a detailed list of Goa’s native trees in this directory.

Read our blog post on Protecting the Western Ghats here.

Native Trees of Goa

Goa is a goldmine of biodiversity and native forests are the crucial negotiators that tie these ecosystems together. As awareness increases about habitat loss and deforestation, people have taken the responsibility of hosting planting and re-wilding drives. The first step in this process is to identify and select native plant species which are most effective and resource efficient for natural landscaping. Native trees offer huge short term and long term benefits:

  • Native trees are well-adapted to the local climate, which means they will have the best chance at survival.

  • Native trees prevent population decline of the local wildlife as the animals are not forced to shift into unfamiliar habitats.

  • While non-native trees might not do well up against local pests, native trees often don’t have as many pest problems because they develop symbiotic relationships with other local species.

Here are 4 popular, easy to source, and easy to plant native species of Goa:


Terminalia Elliptica or The ‘Indian Laurel’ is the State tree of Goa. A few other names of this tree are Mati, Asna, Saj, or Crocodile Bark Tree.


Terminalia bellirica is a deciduous tree that grows upto 35 m in height. It is a sun loving tree that thrives in slightly moist soils. The fruit of the tree is often celebrated for its medicinal properties.

Pterocarpus marsupium, also known as Asann and Malabar kino is a deciduous tree that can grow up to 30 m (98 ft) tall. It is native to India, Nepal and Sri Lanka. The beautiful yellow flowered tree however is currently on the list of threatened species due to dwindling numbers and needs to be revived.

Holoptelea integrifolia, also called The Indian Elm is a deciduous tree that grows upto 25m in height. It is often sourced for timber which makes cheap furniture and also used as firewood in rural parts. Its flowers, leaves and bark have medicinal uses.


Apart from this Goa has several indigenous fruit trees including jack fruit, tamarind, guava, pineapple, and kokum. While these are not advisable for highways, they are wonderfully suited for smaller city avenues, parks, city campuses, and most importantly individual residential plots.

A detailed list of Goa’s native trees can be found in this directory. These trees support a lot of insects and creepy crawlies. This post tells you how you can design to coexist with and celebrate Goa’s biodiversity.

Goa is listed among the 36 most important biodiversity hotspots in the worls. To know more about the ecological significance of this belt, you can read our blogpost on Protecting the Western Ghats here.


What is a green building?

A green building is one where you’re trying to reduce the impact of the construction on the environment. It is about making the right choices at every stage and  looking at every possible way, to optimise resources during and post construction and to minimise or offset one’s footprint right from the design stage to the occupancy stage. Right from positioning the building on the site, being mindful of the solar and wind orientation, looking at the existing resources on site to incorporate them into the building, preserving the underground water table - the environment is part of the design criteria from the very first step of the design process.

Here are some tips for an architect to design a green building

  • The building should be designed for its local climate and weather

  • The design should be site specific

  • The natural features on the site must be preserved whether it is the trees, the underground water table, the contours and terrain, etc

  • Plan openings for maximised daylight and cross ventilation

  • Reduce the urban heat island effect 

  • For landscaping, use lesser amounts of non permeable surfaces like concrete and more permeable surfaces like grass that allow water to percolate and recharge the underground water table

  • Reduce concrete exposure because concrete tends to absorb a lot of heat

  • Enhance thermal comfort by thinking about all parts of the envelope - the walls, the windows, the shading devices, the roof, etc - to reduce energy expenditure

  • Conserve water and collect or harvest rainwater

  • Use aerators for taps and dual flushes for WC

  • Use solar water heaters

  • Use solar panels if the site allows for it

  • Compost using house and site waste and feed it back to the garden

  • Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Every little detail helps.

Links to our previous Blog Posts on Green Building:

Goa At A Glance

Goa is beautiful and rich in its diversity. It has something to offer to every visitor. In this blogpost, we have created a quick map with some of Goa’s best - your very own printable checklist of what to see, where to go and what to do over your next Goa trip. The map has a mix of old houses in Goa, its most popular beaches, the best natural and wildlife sanctuaries in Goa among other popular destinations. For a detailed breakdown of the differences and similarities between North Goa and South Goa, click on the map to read our analysis comparing the two districts.